Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Evaluation question 3

Firstly as we planned for our media class to watch our documentary we wrote out a questionnaire for them to fill in after they have watched the documentary, listened to the radio trailer and looked at our print advert. There were 19 people in our class that filled in the questionnaire and gave us feedback

In our questionnaire we asked questions to do with our main production of the documentary
and the radio trailer and print advert that accompanies it.

Q1: On a scale of 1-5 (1being the lowest and 5 being the highest) rate the following:

Most of the people we asked thought our documentary was quite informative which is the ai
m of a documentary so people have learnt something from watching it.

Everyone who watched our documentary thought it was entertaining, with the majority scoring 4/5 showing that it was quite entertaining for the audience to watch.

Obeying conventions:
Everyone asked thought we followed conventions of documentaries, with most people thinking we followed them very well.

Q2:Would you agree that the newspaper advert is eye-catching?
Everybody asked thought the newspaper advert was eye-catching, and it is good how you have to look closer to figure out what its meaning is, they liked it split in two two images that were striking, however people said the title didn't stand out enough.

Q3: Do you think the sound levels are appropriate throughout the documentary?

12 people out of the 19 asked said that the sound levels where appropriate, however the rest thought the music was slightly too loud over the voxpop and some found it hard to hear the tattoo artist.

Q4: would you say the Mis-en-scene relates to the interviewee/ topic of the documentary?

Everyone agreed that the mise-en-scene relates and some people comments were this or similar to: It is relevant to the documentary and the background of Demi's interview reflects her personality.

Q5: Is there anything you would do differently with the camera work? and do you think it flows effectively?

The majority of people said if flowed effectively and the continuity is good. Some people suggested having a tattoo being done, and others said that lighting on the voxpops was q

uite dark.

Q6: As a whole would you say that the editing and cutaways work well?

Everybody we asked thought that the cutaways were appropriate. some of the comments were that the transitions between cutaways worked well and the cutaways were relevant to what the voice over was saying.

07: Do you think the music bed is useful throughout the documentary?

Some people like the way the lyrics doesn't distract the audience,the music made it more interesting, It suits the documentary and Its fun and creative.

Q8:Whilst watching the documentary, were you able to follow the narrative clearly?

Everyone said they were able to follow the narrative clearly and some people commented on the voice over saying it help stick the narrative/documentary together.

This was was of my favourite comments a
s bring able to follow the narrative clearly is an important thing so we have done that job well.

Q9: Does the radio trailer/ newspaper advert grab your attention and make you want to watch the full documentary?

some of the comments where: They both make people interested in the topic. Advert is eye catching and the trailer is informative. The advert looks real and professional. The radio is more interesting than the advert.

Overall the audience we showed it to in class thought it was entertaining and informative. Also by there comments such as: I would of liked to of seen a tattoo being done, this shows that the first 5 minutes of our documentary made them interested in the subject and probably would of made them watch the rest.

I uploaded our documentary to Facebook on the 13th December. Facebook is regularly used by people of all ages and is a way of showing the documentary easily. I got 13 comments from Facebook, some helpful and with good feedback, whilst others were not serious comment just a friendly well done and they like it.

As it was on Facebook it was easy to share, this is my mum copying it to her Facebook page so all her friends could watch and comment. Unfortunately no comments came about from this, but it shows how passing it on through friends could get a wider audience.

I also posted our print advert on Facebook, this didn't get many comments but the ones we got where helpful.

Such as "the channel 4 logo is a bit squashed" which would be something to improve on if it was to be done again.

And other comments "unusual and eye catching" which is what we were going for with the advert, so made me feel like we achieved what we were going for.

These are of me asking friends and family to watch them and comment on them. I thought if i was to ask them they would more likely to do it rather than ignore it when they see it on the Facebook page. This seemed a success as half the people who commented I asked, and the other half just commented after they noticed it.

Our group also posted it on Youtube to try and reach a wider audience outside our family and friends. The documentary got 133 views but only 2 comments. One comment was off a family member and the other was off a stranger. Although it was only one comment off someone who doesn't know me, it means that they will more likely to give an honest answer,which I felt they did.

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